Wednesday 5 December 2012

December Praise and Prayers

Amazingly we have the Christmas tree up already… no ‘bah humbug’ this year!

Alfredo went into Tzapino last week with Adeline and Tannia and came back fascinated by the culture Huaorani. We have already been given Huao names (Alfredo’s means ‘Engineer smoke’ and mine is Comoga – something like ‘wife of smoke’). Tannia and Adeline got given husbands too, but they knew Alfredo was married so he wasn’t allowed another wife! Samaritans Purse had a team in Tzapino at the same time, and they want a meeting with us on Friday about funding the project!

Camila had a lovely birthday with a joint party with Grandad Leon.  

Pray for Centro Yuu as we thought they were ready to start work on their project but they are dragging their feet getting materials. Pray for wisdom in knowing how much to wait and how much to push.

Pray for Kiim and Mutints. Adeline and Tannia’s trip went well and they communities are interested in continuing with their water systems. It was good timing as a muslim group are pressuring the communities to sign an agreement to let them make a base in the area. 

Pray for the community development centre which we are designing… and for our busy new year with three training event planned and at least 7 working visitors coming to work with us!

We pray that the Christmas season may be something special and not just stressful this year.

Happy Christmas! Our Saviour is born.
Alex and Alfredo, Benjamin and Camila

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